DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.



Contact: Dr. Sally Gelardin

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe how family relationships help in the career development process.
  • Explain how CDFs can help clients/students make informed and satisfying career choices through an understanding of family influences on career development.
  • Discuss what additional CDF competencies relate to career development.


  • What are the CDF competencies?
  • Which competencies relate to family influences on career?
  • How can an understanding of family relationships help in the career development process?
  • How can CDFs help clients/students make informed and satisfying career choices through an understanding of family influences on career development?


•    What is a career development theory/model?
•    How can theories and models help you do your job as a CDF?
•    What are the limitations of career theories and models?


Activities (one or more of the following)

  • Activity #1: Compare your lifeline to that of your parent or child.
  • Activity #2: Write an “I Am From” Poem to reflect upon early family influences.
  • Activity #3: What are your sources of support to make a successful career transition?

Relationship of Family Influences to the Major Career Development Theories/Models

Divide into the following groups. 

Chose a scribe to take notes.

Discuss how your theory relates to family influences on career development.




John Krumbolz

  • What are the steps in Krumboltz’s decision-making process?
  • How has your family influenced steps in your decision-making process?
  • How do you influences steps in your children's (or other mentees') decision-making process?

Donald Super (life stages, life roles, values)

  • What are Super’s life stages and life roles?
  • How has your family influenced your life stages?
  • How has your family influenced your life roles?
  • How do you influence your children's (or other mentees') life stages and life roles?

Sunny Hansen (integrative life planning)

  • What does “family” mean to you?
  • How do you integrate family and work?
  • How do your family of origin's values influence how you make career choices?
  • How does the family you create influence how you make career choices?
  • How does your global family influence how you make career choices?

Nancy Schlossberg (transition theory)

  • How has your family influenced your ability to make transitions?
  • How have you influenced (or do you think you would influence) your children’s or other younger people’s ability to make transitions?

John Holland (vocational choice and personality types)

  • What do you think your parents’ Holland Codes are?
  • How is your personality different or similar to your parents?
  • How does your Holland Code compate to your parents'/children's Holland Code?


Leader of each group presents group's findings to class.

Summary and Questions/Sharing of Resources




DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.