DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Flash Fiction Self-Expressive Drawing


Goals:  Students will create a series of personal reflections using 6 words in each that connect with their lives.  They will then interpret their words into a cohesive visual statement/illustration using a medium or media of their choice. 



Flash Fiction:


Visual Statement:



Visit each  of the following websites and read about flash fiction/six word memoirs:








Use your sketchbook to complete the following:

How can you describe you or a part of you in 6 short words?  You are able to express your thoughts and feelings daily through brief statements in texts and on social media.  Reflect upon your lives, loves, pains, joys, complexities, memories, personalities, etc. and brainstorm a series of words/autobiographical stories using only six words in each.   YOU MUST DEVELOP AT LEAST 3 DIFFERENT 6 WORD STATEMENTS.


From the 3 statements you developed, choose the 2 strongest and below each, brainstorm a list of 5-10 images and text you could use to illustrate that particular statement.


Choose one statement/flash fiction piece that you feel you can successfully illustrate into a visually coherent statement using both text and images.  Develop a DETAILED sketch showing how you plan to approach this drawing compositionally.  Please show how text will be integrated into this drawing.  Below the sketch please indicate what media you plan to use and what size you plan to work in.


Find drawing references for your final.  You should also be creative with text, but make sure that it is integrated professionally either by hand or using the trace and transfer method.


The work above is worth 75 points and must be completed before beginning your final drawing.



  1.  Complete the Brainstorm/Sketches part of this project in your sketchbook.
  2. Meet with me to discuss your ideas and media choices.
  3. Begin your final by roughly laying out your composition from your original sketch lightly in pencil.  Make sure you include/integrate text.
  4. Begin applying your chosen media to your final drawing/illustration.

Evaluation/Things to think about:

Is the focus on simplicity, clarity, and the power of telling your story?

Does the image(s) clearly reflect the statement?

How well is the text integrated into the composition?

Does the use of media show unity?

Does the work tell a story?

Have you produced a strong and cohesive visual statement?




DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.